Renovate or Upgrade

Contruction team works of home reno

Planning for a change

At some point you might find that your home doesn’t quite fit the way it used to. You may be looking to make changes to better suit your present needs, size or style. Your first step is deciding whether you want to renovate the home you’re in or seek out somewhere entirely new.

Young couple looks over mortgage affordability

If your change means the possibility of a new address, check out our mortgage calculator to see how an Alpha Guarantee Bank mortgage could work for you.

Mortgage Calculator

What's the best way to pay for renovations? It depends on the scale of the renovations you’ve planned. If you’re going big with your renovations, Alpha Guarantee BankEQ may be your best option. Loans and lines of credit can also be great ways to access the money you need.

If it’s a small-scale project, you may be able to cover it with a few months of saving, or even put it on your Mastercard®. If your credit card earns points, this is a chance to earn yourself a nice reward, and if you pay the balance off quickly there may not be interest charges at all.

Looking to learn more? Find it here:

  • How much can I afford?

  • Do I need to get my property appraised?

  • Can I take my mortgage with me when I move?