Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)

Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) are government-approved accounts designed to help you save for just about anything, whether it’s decades away or right in front of you.

Money goes into and out of your TFSA without any taxation. You don’t get a deduction like you do with RRSP contributions, but you also don’t pay taxes when you withdraw your money. TFSAs are tax sheltered so there’s no tax on the earnings you get from your account.

Limited Time deposit specials for GICsTFSAs, and RRSPs!

Deposit Special 3 year 4.50%

You've got options - find the TFSA that's right for you:

Looking to learn more? Find it here:

  • What do I need before I can open a TFSA?

  • How much can I contribute?

  • Will I lose my TFSA contribution room at the end of the year?

  • What happens if I over contribute to my TFSA?

  • Am I on track to meet my savings goals?

  • How safe is my TFSA?

  • How do I open a TFSA?

  • Can I renew my TFSA online?